Grade 3/4

Link to videos of familiar stories that are read in French with slow audio. (Some have subtitles) French children's stories
Monday to Friday
lundi à vendredi
  • Fill out the weather graph portion in the March/April calendar booklets each day. 
  • Using the sheets that were sent home, fill out the chart as we had completed each day in class. 
    • Choose the type of weather from the pie chart, then choose the clothing that one would wear on these days from the sheet provided. Read the chosen items of clothing out loud, along with its assigned number in French. Write the numbers in the chosen pie piece.
Worksheet sample... 

March 23-26th
  • Work on the Duolingo assigned activity for 10 minutes each day. Feel free to do more than 10 minutes if you like. The 4 activities will open at 9:00 am on Monday and are due by 4:00 on Thursday.
  • Complete "Les saisons" assignment on SeeSaw. Due Friday, March 27th.
Friday, March 27
vendredi, le 27 mars
  • Complete an entire level of your choice on Duolingo for Friday, March 27th.
  • Please attempt to complete any incomplete assignments over the official spring break time, but also make the best of the time that you have right now with family. Maybe you can teach a family member how to play "Go Fish" with the French card playing instructions I sent home. 

April 6-10

lundi, le 6 avril
Hello everyone I hope you were able to enjoy the time with your families during the break. Just know that I miss you all and wish we could be in school, but until then I am excited to see what we can do online!!
  • Complete the April Calendar as you normally would in class.
  •  Colorier la page titre si tu veux. (Colour the title page if you like.)
  •  Compléter le calendrier. N’oublier pas les jours de la semaine, le mois et les chiffres. (Complete the calendar. Do not forget the days of the week, the month, and the numbers.)
*Complete this portion each school day.
  • Quel temps fait-il ? Couleur le temps pour aujourd’hui. (What is the weather like? Colour in the correct portion of the graph for today's weather)
  • Read the question and say the response in French. ( Ex. Quel temps fait-il ? Il pleut.)
*Complete this portion each school day.
  • Rechercher la temperature chaque jour et colorer le thermostat. (Search up the weather each day and colour in the thermostat.)
  • Compléter cette feuille comme nous l’avions fait en classe chaque mois. (Complete this sheet as we had done in class each month.) 
  • Questions 1 & 2- special days in the month.
  • 10- start with 40 and go up by 5s. 
  • 11- start with 36 and go down by 2s. 
  • 12- spell out these numbers in French: 26, 52, 31, 44, 17, 8, 56, 29, and 15.
  • Duolingo- "Basics 1" will be assigned today and is due on Thursday. There are 4 lessons in total that need to be completed.
  • *Recommendation: Duolingo Kids is a great app for young children. I highly recommend downloading this app to help with reading in French, if possible. It has wonderful animations to go along with vocabulary, is quite fun, and very different from the regular Duolingo app.
le 7-9 avril
  • Compléter l'activité "La météo" à SeeSaw par vendredi. (Complete the "La météo" activity on SeeSaw by Friday.)
  • Compléter l'activité "L'Histoire -Le temps" à SeeSaw par vendredi. (Complete the "L'Histoire -Le temps" activity on SeeSaw by Friday.)
  • Jouer "Pige dans la lac" avec quelqu'un cette semaine. (Play Go Fish in French with someone this week.)
le 14-17 avril
  • Duolingo: Complete "Basics 2". Due Friday, April 17th by 4:00.
mardi, le 14 avril
  • Choose a type of weather and write out the sentence in French on a blank sheet of paper. Examples: Il fait beau, Il neige, Il fait chaud, Il fait froid, Il pleut. Using the "Les Vêtements" sheet in your binder (or search online), choose at least 4 types of clothing/accessories that you would wear, draw and label them. Read the items you wrote out to a parent. 
mercredi, le 15 avril
  • Complete the same activity as yesterday but choose a different type of weather.
jeudi, le 16 avril
  • Create a Venn diagram. Label the diagram using the two types of weather you chose over the last few days. Draw the clothing you would wear in the correct circles. Are there items that you would wear during both types of weather? If so, those can be drawn in the middle where the two circles intersect. Dont forget to label your clothing.

*Please hand in any sheets completed at home to Ms. Meilleur and I will be sure to retrieve them. Thank-you :)

vendredi, le 17 avril
  • Be sure to complete all the activities assigned this week. 
  • Play a different card game in French. Saying the numbers in French while playing is a great way to practise :)
le 20-24 avril

  • Duolingo: Complete "People". Due Friday, April 24th by 4:00.

  • lundi, le 20 avril

  • Complete the "Il porte" (He wears) sheet that was sent in the French Binders. (If you do not have the sheets, feel free to copy the ones posted or create your own boy to draw clothes on.)
  • -Choose a type of weather (Il fait beau, Il neige, Il fait chaud, Il fait froid, Il pleut), then draw and color the clothing that le garçon (the boy) would wear during that particular type of weather. Complete the written portion using my example as a model. Grade 3s can start off using 1 sentence while grade 4s write 2. (Use your "Les Vêtements" sheet to help with clothing vocabulary.)
    Example: Quand il neige, il porte une tuque. Il porte des mitaines. (When it is snowing, he wears a toque. He is wearing mittens.)

    mardi, le 21 avril
    • Same as lundi but choose a different type of weather and use the "Elle porte" (She is wearing) sheet.

    mercredi, le 22 avril
    • Choose two different types of weather for two more sheets. Un pour un garçon et un pour une fille. La troisième année peut écrire un phrase pour chaque feuille, et la quatrième année peut écrire deux phrases pour chaque feuille. (One for a boy and one for a girl. Third grade can write one sentence for each page, and forth grade can write two sentences for each page)
    jeudi, le 23 avril
    • Practise reading the sheets you wrote over the past few days. (Examples of people to practise reading to: a parent, a sibling, a pet, to yourself in the mirror.)
    vendredi, le 24 avril
    • After all that practising I'm sure you sound like true French boys and girls. Bravo! Record yourself reading your written work on SeeSaw. Grade 3s read for 1 boy and 1 girl. Grade 4s read all sheets. -2 boys 2 girls. *The assignment will not be posted on SeeSaw until Thursday evening. (The weather/clothing sheets can be sent to school when completed or they can be uploaded onto the SeeSaw activity.)
    le 27 avril - le 1 mai 
    Number review week
    • Duolingo: Complete "Family". Due Friday, April 24th by 4:00.
    • Complete "Compter jusqu'à 20!" on SeeSaw by Wednesday.
    • Teach a family member how to count to 20 in French.
    • Friday -Send me a video (or recording) on SeeSaw of you and the person you taught, counting to twenty in French :)
    le 4 - 8 mai

    Duolingo: Complete "Activities". It is due Friday by 4:00. *Please check out 'Stories' on the app to supplement learning and help with reading in French.

    Complete the yellow May calendar. Hand in the last page along with the last page of the April calendar to the school or take a picture and send through SeeSaw. Sheets will be available for pic up at the school on Monday, May 4th. Here are the sheets if you are not able to retrieve them from school. (Sorry for the picture quality)

    I added colouring pages that can be done on Friday.

    le 11-22 mai

    Duolingo: Complete "People 2". It is due Friday by 4:00. *Please check out 'Stories' on the app to supplement learning and help with reading in French.

    Final assignment « Les vêtements du monstre »

    Your final assignment will be to create a monster who will be wearing clothing for 4 different types of weather. You can draw the monster and clothing, mashup different body parts of people and cut up clothing from a magazine to create a monster, or use a stuffed animal you may already have that has a lot of clothing. 
    You have the choice of sending pictures along with a voice recording, or sending in a video recording of yourself talking about your monster/stuffed animal; all of which you can send through SeeSaw. This assignment is due Friday, May 22nd on SeeSaw.

    1. Please listen to the short story “Les vêtements du monster” that lists different types of clothing on SeeSaw.
    2. Create your own ‘monstre’ (or use a stuffed animal) and name it.
    3. Choose 4 types of weather and clothing your monster/stuffed animal would wear during this type of weather.
    4. Don't forget to use "Il or elle porte depending of if your monster is a girl or a boy.

    Example per weather type: 
    Aujourd’hui c’est nuageux. Sabine porte unpantalon et unchandail. Elle porte unecasquette, et aussideschaussures. (Today it is cloudy. Sabine is wearing pants and a sweater. She is wearing a hat, and alsoshoes.)
    *Use my example as a model on how to structure your sentences grade 4s. Do not use le, la, and les for this assignment. Please use un, une, and des when referring to the clothing. Use your clothing sheet sent home with you in March to help with this. 
    Grade 3s only need to ‘say’ what the weather is and list the clothing their monster is wearing. They can write out the list of clothing as seen on the story for reference. Grade 3s are not assessed on reading or writing in French.

    Marks grade 4:
    1.     Complete sentences.
    2.     Sentence structure. (Sentences in correct French formation) 
    3.     Proper use of feminine and/or masculine pronouns.
    4.     Pronunciation.
    5.     No less than 4 entries.

    Marks for grade 3 will be based on pronunciation, effort, and amount of entries.

    *If you complete your work before May 22nd, feel free to do some extra activities on Duolingo, or go onto "Stories" for something different as it will help with reading in French :)

    le 25-29 mai

    Duolingo: Complete "Family 2". It is due Friday by 4:00. *Please check out 'Stories' on the app to supplement learning and help with reading in French.

    Complete the "Colour review and essential workers" activity on SeeSaw by Friday.

    le 1-5 juin

    We've made it to the final month of school! Congratulations to you all for doing such a great job these past few months even though learning has been very different. I appreciate all of the time you've put into completing assignments and truly miss seeing you everyday in my classroom. Here are the activities assigned for this week...

    Duolingo: Complete "Restaurant". It is due Friday by 4:00. *Please check out 'Stories' on the app to supplement learning and help with reading in French.

    Complete the "Colour Scavenger Hunt" on SeeSaw. It is due Friday.

    le 8-12 juin

    Duolingo: Complete "City". It is due Friday by 4:00. *Please check out 'Stories' on the app to supplement learning and help with reading in French.

    Complete the "French Class Assessment" on SeeSaw.

    le 15-19 juin

    Duolingo: Complete "At Home ". Also go over 'Stories' on the app.

    Take some time to enjoy the outdoors this week and complete the Bingo Scavenger hunt on SeeSaw. Check off your findings or take photos and upload them. I would love to see what you find on your adventure :D

    Reminders... *Please hand in any sheets completed at home to Ms. Meilleur and I will be sure to retrieve them. Thank-you :)

    *Do not forget to read my comments and make corrections when necessary on SeeSaw. Merci :)